Tech Climate & Health
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5 types of people to expect at MTN’s AGM



The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MTN Nigeria is scheduled to hold on April 18 at The Balmoral Convention Centre, Federal Palace Hotel.

MTN’s shareholders will potentially get a dividends payout of 203.5 billion as their share of profits from the financial year 2022. This is coming after qualified shareholders from the public offer also got incentive shares as promised during the public offer.

MTN Nigeria’s Chief Executive Officer, Karl Olutokun Toriola noted, “In 2022, we significantly increased our shareholder base through the MTN Group’s offer for sale of shares.

“The offer, which concluded on 31 January 2022, was the first in the series of transactions to increase Nigerian ownership of the company. The qualified investors who held some or all the shares allotted to them for 12 months to 31 January 2023 have received the incentive shares totaling 3,977,418.”

For some, it’s a time to catch up on important business matters and network with fellow shareholders. For others, it’s a chance to grab some free refreshments and a comfy chair.

Whatever your reason for attending, one thing is for sure: you’re bound to run into these five types of people.

*The ‘I-know-everything’ person

This person has read every report, every memo, and every email related to the AGM. They know every detail about the company and can recite the entire annual report from memory.

They raise their hands for every question and offer lengthy, convoluted opinions on every matter. They’re convinced that their ideas are the best, even if they’re completely impractical.

*The ‘I-have-a-complaint’ person

This person is here to air their grievances. They’ve been waiting all year for this moment to tell everyone about the problems they’ve encountered with the company.

They don’t have any solutions or suggestions; they just want to complain. They’re usually the first to raise their hands for questions and the last to leave the room.

*The ‘I-am-here-to-network’ person

This person is the ultimate networker. They know everyone in the room and they’re determined to meet everyone they don’t know yet.

They’re handing out business cards left and right and making small talk with anyone who will listen.

They’re not particularly interested in the AGM itself; they’re just using it as an excuse to make some new connections.

*The ‘I-am-too-important-to-be-here’ person

This person walks in late, sits at the back, and spends the entire meeting scrolling through their phone. When it’s time for questions, they stand up, ask something completely unrelated to the agenda, and then leave without waiting for an answer.

They’re usually high up in their company, but they have no interest in what’s going on at the AGM. They’re just there to make an appearance and then go back to their busy schedule.

*The ‘I-am-here-for-the-free-food’ person

This person doesn’t care about the agenda, the reports, or the speakers. They’re just here for the free coffee and snacks.

They load up their plate with pastries and fruit and then sit back to enjoy the show. They’re not interested in contributing to the conversation; they’re just happy to have a reason to leave their desk for a while.

Look out for these people at the AGM and if you see any of them, ask them why they bought MTN shares if they won’t be paying any attention.

And there are proud shareholders like us who will not attend the AGM but stay glued to our phones on April 20 when the alert for dividends payout will start rolling in.

That’s how you roll when you invest in a profitable company like MTN.

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