Tech Climate & Health
We, simply, do Tech, Climate, Health (TeCH) as they affect Nigerians and, by extension, Africans

7 things you must do before travelling to the UK

We want to share seven (7) salient travelling tips; things you must do before travelling to the UK. Most of them aren’t new to many of you reading this write-up. Therefore, these points will be reminders.

It is pertinent to state that everything here is based on the experiences of people we know. But before we start, think deeply about these questions:

What options are available for me, and which one is best for my circumstance?

What are the career prospects for my field in the chosen country?

Now, below are the things you must do before travelling to the UK — as a student:

Have you read:

*Africa is splitting into two

*How to know healthy pomo (2)

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1. The first thing you must do before travelling to the UK is have a solid plan to pay the balance of your tuition. The deposit you’ll pay to get your CAS is a trap if you do not already have the means to balance. Many students are struggling to keep up with their schoolwork because they have got to work days and nights without rest, trying to raise money for their tuition balance.

This has also made some of them engage in contracting people to write their paperwork and even thesis, some of which are regretting because some of them were given plagiarised work and less quality work to submit.

An older woman is battling with dismissal now in a university because she plagiarised. The pressure was caused by the fact that many people have no plans to pay their tuition balance.

2. The second thing to do before travelling to the UK is sort your accommodation for at least three to four months before leaving. The narrative about getting a job to do within a month or two is gradually changing and you need to prepare for the unexpected.

The average monthly rent for a studio apartment is between £300 to £500, depending on your location. It means you intend to share some essentials in the apartment with a few other students. No one will pay your rent for you. So, be prepared for it.

3. One important thing to do before travelling to the UK is to be determined to finish your study. Many students in the UK have decided to exploit the loophole in the Home Office’s law that allows someone with a Tier 4 visa to apply for Tier 2, which is a work visa.

It’s unbearable for many students to fully pay their tuition of over £10,000 or even over £15,000 to a school for a year. Hence, they seek COS – Certificate of Sponsorship — from employers, many of which are care homes. It’s smart, you would say, right? Yes! But it’s dangerous!

If you manage to finish your study before seeking COS, you are safe. You’ve got nothing to worry about.

Let us help you further: if you have opted out of your study halfway to get COS, you need prayers (as we believe in Africa more) because after five years of working with your employer and you expect to now get your ILR – Indefinite Leave to Remain — you are likely not going to be given. They keep records. If you can get a good immigration lawyer, you may be given FLR- Further Leave to Remain instead.

The two are not the same. You have 10 years on your FLR but you will need to be renewing it every two and a half years. That will cost you some pounds and sweat. But if you can finish your study and then get COS to work for five years, you’ll surely get your ILR, except if you have some other immigration problems.

This is why you should plan and manage to finish your study. Remember that you also have post-study visa to apply for after your programme has ended. Two years for M. Sc and three for Ph.D.

Prepare your mind to do any legitimate job to survive. The cost of living in the UK is on the high side since last year and there is no evidence that it will slow down, perhaps, things may soften a bit this summer.

You need to work to pay bills and save towards your tuition, especially if you do not have a dependant on your visa. It will likely be a tough ride, except you have finished paying your tuition from Nigeria before leaving.

5. Do not come alone. Try to come with your partner if you are married and you do not have any other means to pay bills and tuition. This is a great leverage for your financial sturdiness.

While you are busy with schoolwork, your dependant will be busy with work, allowing you to concentrate on your study and make a good grade. This also helps you to save for tuition and other needed financial commitments.

6. Manage your expectations well. Do not raise your expectations too high if you have never been to the UK. There will be many shockers.

A good number of Nigerians in the UK today are regretting why they left Nigeria, and many cannot go back because they already sold everything they had, and some even burnt bridges.

Abroad is better than where you are coming in certain areas but not in all areas and if you aren’t careful, those expectations the UK does not meet may drain your energy and vibe to survive.

7. The seventh thing to do before going to the UK is to choose a career path wisely. There are four thriving careers in the UK: Sport, IT, Marketing (Finance) and Health (Mental Health). Academia is the closest to these four, but you need to be extraordinarily good to penetrate the highly competitive field.

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So, you’ll do yourself a great deal of help to choose wisely. Just to prepare your mind: the UK has more immigrants in their social and health care than in other fields.

You are allowed to venture into many fields as you so desire. You’re not limited. In fact, you do not necessarily have to pursue the same course you did in your first degree.

I know many lawyers and people who studied other courses (English and non-English) who are now teachers in the UK. I know many Ph.D holders who are now professional carers.

Lastly, let us add this: please, ensure you seek information and from the right individuals. Many people do not have the right information and that’s why they suffer. The right information is key to quick survival.

These are seven things you must know and do before heading for the UK. We will keep exploring other nuggets and bring them to you as we go.

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