Tech Climate & Health
We, simply, do Tech, Climate, Health (TeCH) as they affect Nigerians and, by extension, Africans

Happy Sunday, Sir Too-Busy-for-Exercise

Happy Sunday, Sir

Yes you. You, Sir. With all due respect, too.

This is from a man like you.

A busy working class husband and father like you.

Too busy to do any workouts during the week like you.

But today is Sunday, and he has some free time, just a couple of hours… like you.

Guess what he does?

He went walking.

He collected a list from madam, ditched the car and went walking. Howbeit inconvenient. He has put in some hours. He has moved his bones, flexed his muscles, sent some healing to his heart and nerves.

What have you been doing?

Watching TV? Drinking with the friends?

I thought you said you were too busy? Then how did you get time to do any of these?

Jamb question right?


That pot belly is going nowhere with this attitude and lifestyle of yours.

No no no no… it is not even about the aesthetics. Who cares how the shirt fits? It’s the visceral fat that that extra glass of beer forms around your internal organs.

The prostrate challenges you are beginning to notice but living in denial about.

‘Jisike’ in Igbo means ‘continue’ in English. So, yes continue. Finish the bottle and take another one.

Wash it down with meat enough to feed a family of four. Sit down right there till 11pm when it’s time to go home.

It’s not my penis that would shut down mid-match this night.








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