Tech Climate & Health
We, simply, do Tech, Climate, Health (TeCH) as they affect Nigerians and, by extension, Africans

Every parent is an early childhood educator

Childhood begins from the period an infant is born to when the child is eight years old.

Early childhood education, on the other hand, is the formal education given to children from age three (3) months to eight years.

It is called the foundation stage, wherein the child’s brain is highly sensitive to his or environment.

It involves cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, and they all have to do with attitude, feelings, and emotions of a child.

So you see why every parent is, by nature and circumstance, an early child educator.

As an early childhood educator, here are your roles:

*Love your children equally. It develops emotional intelligence and self-confidence.

*Build them up spiritually, teach them your belief.

*Use daily activities to teach them morals as much as you can. Your child’s teacher may not have time for that.

*Build a relationship, allow mistakes and correct them.

*Tell your children stories, don’t pretend to know everything, discuss and hold it long and you will be shocked at what they know.

*Do house chores together with your children, set time limit for each chore — time management.

We will have interesting times on this child education column.


To be successful child educator, the environment (home, in this case) must be conducive. Therefore look at the below observations:

People who don’t know Maths say Maths is DIFFICULT.  But Mathematicians say Maths is the simplest and most interesting subject for them.

It is so because they know the formula to every topic.

Find a formula that works for your marriage, and if there’s none, create one. Nobody can do that for you.

Also, find that one good thing that your marriage is built upon or that your marriage has produced as a reason not to let go and ignore the 99 others.

E shock you?

If your marriage is a cross you must bear for every member of your immediate family to make heaven, I don’t think it’s too much for you.

I beg put your home together. I know say e no easy, but I trust you on this.

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