Tech Climate & Health
We, simply, do Tech, Climate, Health (TeCH) as they affect Nigerians and, by extension, Africans

How to know healthy pomo


Pomo is processed cow skin. Popular among Yoruba, the love for this part of beef now knows no tribe or creed. It has crept into most Nigerian homes, eateries and restaurants. It is either used as a condiment in many soups or eaten simply as a snack.

Previously perceived as an alternative to beef for the indigent who could barely afford other sources of protein, pomo, over the years, has risen to an enviable status with bragging rights, contending with the likes of beef, assorted, goat meat and the rest.

Growing up in the beautiful city of Benin some four decades ago, I watched my mother prepare sumptuous local soups with pomo, especially vegetable and stew.

And as a young child, the succulent sound of pomo while eating gave me a special feel and satisfaction on its own.

Said to have no nutritional value, there is hardly any housewife or restaurant that doesn’t add pomo to their local dishes or prepare it as a special delicacy on its own.

Fortunately, it has been improvised into peppered pomo competing favourably with peppered snails which have become too expensive for the average Nigerian.

However, as alluring and enjoyable as the pomo has become, its consumption has become a health threat. This is mainly because of the processing methods some dealers have adopted.

Some prepare them with tyres, plastics and rubber materials. These are burnt to roast the cow skin. Also, chemicals are used to soften and preserve them. These activities have become major health concerns to everyone.

One of the chemicals commonly used by traders to preserve pomo is formaldehyde. It is also called formalin. It is an anti-decay chemical used to treat corpses in morgues.

The chemical is also used for glues, resins, dyes, textiles, disinfectants, building materials, automobile parts and laboratories.

Some greedy sellers also soak the pomo in formalin to increase its size and thickness for more profit. Also, the chemical preserves pomo in cases where they have to be transported long distances.

We have run out of time. I need to go see what’s happening in the kitchen. Let’s meet again on this pomo matter next time.

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