Tech Climate & Health
We, simply, do Tech, Climate, Health (TeCH) as they affect Nigerians and, by extension, Africans

Journalists are partners in development — Esther Ijewere

So many players in the communication and branding. Are regulations needed to cleanse the space

There is no one answer to this question as regulation is necessary to cleanse the waters of potential health risks. However, some may argue that it is already happening in the communication and branding space through the use of regulations and guidelines.

These people may be right that there are potential health risks in the marketplace, but it is important to ensure that they are properly considered when making decisions about how to ‘First come, First go’.

Many people believe that regulation is needed in the media space to make it work. One player that seems to be in support of this idea is The New York Times. They believe that regulation is needed to make it work and they are in support of it.

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In practical terms, are journalists tools or partners in the Nigerian communication sector?

The term “journalist” encompasses various interpretations. But generally, it refers to individuals who analyze events, seeking to grasp their essence while reporting on them. Journalists play a crucial role in keeping the public informed and engaged.

In the Nigerian communication sector, journalists are considered partners in development. Their responsibility is to disseminate information, primarily through writing, enabling them to share stories with a broader audience.

However, the task can be challenging, particularly when there is no full-time personal assistant to assist them. The fast-paced nature of reporting may lead to difficulties in keeping up with events and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the situation at hand.

Despite the challenges, journalists remain committed to their role in delivering accurate and timely news to the public.

What does an entity need to establish its brand?

An entity needs to establish its brand to identify it as a separate entity from its competitors. The brand must be strong and consistent with the company’s image and values.

It must also be consistent with the company’s policies and procedures.

Does the social media need regulation?

There is no one answer to this question, as the answer to this question depends on the specific social media platform and its potential impact on the public. There are many potential reasons why social media might need regulation.

For example, social media could be used to gather large amounts of personal information that needs to be protected. Or social media could be used to connect people with the same or similar interests, which could lead to inappropriate or harmful relationships.

Additionally, social media could be used to connect people with the same or similar interests, which could lead to fraud or misuse of data. Finally, social media could also be used to express personal values that are not appropriate for a public platform.

What is your take on the Nigerian press vis a vis government intervention?

Freedom of the press is crucial for a democratic society, enabling journalists to report without fear or favour, holding those in power accountable, and providing citizens with accurate and diverse information.

Government’s intervention in the press can hinder this freedom and compromise journalistic integrity.

Embracing an independent press in Nigeria has several potential benefits. It allows journalists to report without bias, fostering transparency and trust among the public. A robust and independent press contributes to informed decision-making and a well-informed citizenry.

Furthermore, promoting Nigeria’s unique culture and values through the press can help strengthen national identity, preserve cultural heritage, and foster unity among diverse communities.

Showcasing Nigeria’s rich culture and music to the world can also contribute to international appreciation and understanding of the country’s unique contributions to global art and heritage.

I firmly believe that the Nigerian press strives to maintain its independence and impartiality. Personally, I don’t favor the genre of writing that involves government intervention, as it may compromise journalistic integrity and hinder the free flow of information.

By way of this interview how do we describe you

Esther Ijewere is a dynamic and accomplished individual who has made significant contributions in the fields of public relations, media strategy, and social entrepreneurship. As a renowned PR and media strategist, Esther possesses a keen understanding of effective communication strategies and has worked with numerous clients to help them enhance their brand visibility and reputation.

Beyond her professional achievements, Esther is widely recognised as the visionary founder of Women of Rubies, a platform dedicated to empowering and celebrating women. Through Women of Rubies, Esther has created a vibrant community that uplifts and supports women, providing them with valuable resources, mentorship, and growth opportunities.

Esther’s passion for empowering others extends to her work as an author, where she has penned insightful and inspiring books that tackle important societal issues and offer practical guidance for personal development. Her writing resonates with readers, prompting reflection and positive change.

Furthermore, Esther’s engaging and thought-provoking nature is showcased in her role as the host of the #GettalkingwithEsther show. Through this platform, she engages in meaningful conversations with a diverse range of guests, exploring various topics and shedding light on important social issues. Her show catalyzes dialogue, understanding, and positive change in society.

Esther Ijewere’s contributions and dedication to empowering women, her expertise in public relations and media strategy, her impactful writing, and her ability to facilitate meaningful conversations make her a respected figure and an influential force for positive change.

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